Best Diet Options to Avoid Kidney Stones

Kidney stone, also known as renal calculi, are solid chemical compounds made of crystals. The stone usually finds its origins in the kidneys. However, they could be found anywhere in the urinary tract.

There are various reasons behind the formation of kidney stones in the region of the urinary tract. The fundamental structure of the urinary tract is not designed to expel the solid chemicals. The chemical compounds of oxalate and phosphorous in the urine could be one reason and other reason can be the excess amount of uric acid caused by the metabolism of protein.

The lifestyle and diet play a major role in both forming the stone and in helping the body to remove them. As per the infamous saying prevention is better than cure, here are a few diet tips for you to avoid the formation of kidney stones employing the natural means.

Diet to Take -

Stay Hydrated - It is essential to drink sufficient amount of water every day. The fluid content in the body helps the kidneys to function better and eliminate the solid content effectively.
Citrus Cures - Citrus fruits have the ability to block the formation of kidney stones, thanks to the citrate content these fruits contain. Make sure your daily diet routine contains fruits such as oranges, lemons and grapefruits etc.,
Vitamin D is Vital - The oxalate levels may get increased if the calcium levels are low in the body. Ensure your Vitamin D intake is high in order to avoid the stone formation. Consume eggs, yogurt, legumes, dark-green vegetables, nuts and seeds, milk and cottage cheese to level up your calcium intake. Also, early morning and evening walk under the sunshine can help you increase your Vitamin D levels in natural ways.

Diet to Avoid -

Limit Salt Intake - Sodium is the one to blame for all your kidney related issues. Lowering or avoiding salt intake can increase your chances of avoiding the kidney stones. It is proven in many instances that increase sodium levels in the body will promote calcium quotient in the urine. Most importantly, avoid the processed and packaged foods as they may contain extra sodium for preservation purposes. Keep an eye on your regular salt intake and try to lower it slowly.
Lower Protein Intake - Protein is an essential part of the diet but the excess of it can increase the burden on the kidneys. Keep an eye on the protein intake, especially from the sources such as red meat and pork. You can also include lean meat such as chicken and fish in this list, based on your metabolism rate. Natural sources such as chia seeds, Greek yogurt, hummus and tofu can be considered as the best alternatives for animal meat.
Avoid Caffeine and Cola - Excessive intake of coffee and cola drinks can harm your kidneys, pushing them to function hard. Added sugars in the processed food and drinks can do more harm than you could imagine. These sugars will be available in cakes, packed fruit-drinks and juices, cola drinks and corn syrups. Try to avoid them completely as these drinks do more harm to your body than any little good.

Diet for People with Kidney Stones -

Kidney stone can occur repetitively if the required care is not taken. Here are a few thumb rules for your food intake. Follow these healthy foods for kidney stone patients to avoid them.
  • Drink at least 3-3.5 liters of water.
  • Drink orange and lemon juices more.
  • Increase Vitamin D intake
  • Reduce salt and processed sugar
  • Reduce the intake of animal meat
Kidney stone symptoms may vary to person to person. Consult the kidney stone specialist to know the symptoms and diet solutions to effectively avoid any further damage to the kidneys and for your overall health.


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